Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Baby Brigham

My sister Emily took some pictures of Brig for us, and i had to share some of them. He has been a joy, even though he isn't sleeping so good at night. he is a major grunter and seems to do that all night long. He may have to go in his own room soon. and then maybe Travis will come back into our room, i miss ya babe! (:

Brigham had his 2 week doctors appt. yesterday, he has gained 2 pounds since we left the hospital so he is doing good and is healthy! What more could i ask for!! Parley also had a doctors appointment at the same time, they were both at 8:30 am, I never would have made it there without my mom, she is the best, she showed up to my house at 7:30 am and helped me get out of there, then she was a huge lifesaver at the Doctors. Parley wasn't about to sit and wait for brigham to be checked so she was chasing him around, she changed 3 stinky diapers within 2 hours, bless your heart mom. I could never do it without you!! Two kids is awesome but is a huge adjustment. they are both growing so big. Parley and Brig were both 85 percentile on their heighth, we're not quite sure where they got those tall genes from. Parley loves his little brother and wants to kiss him every chance he gets. He just turned 18 months and gets to start nursery. YEA!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Welcome Brigham Anderson Shupe!!

Our new bundle of joy!!

I was scheduled to be induced thursday morning sept 6 at 6:00 am, Brigham didn't want to wait that long. my water broke at 2:45 am, and he was born at 5:35 am. It was amazing. Anybody who has witnessed this miracle knows that it is exactly just that, A MIRACLE!! Everything went perfect it was like a text book delivery. He has been a wonderful baby, we feel so blessed and thank our heavenly father everyday for this special spirit that has joined our family.
7 lbs 3 oz. 21 inches
He wasn't too happy about his first car seat ride.
The proud and (loud i might add) big brother