I printed my blog a couple of weeks ago and loved how it turned out, so now it really is my journal so you may be seeing more pics and more details in my posts from now on!
We had so much fun on our trip to Stanley this year, I absolutely love it up there for a couple of reasons: 1. I get to be with my family 2. The cell phones don't work so we have no distractions 3. The amazing beauty, it is seriously so pretty up there. and 4. We of course eat yummy food, but it is, to me, the perfect vacation!!
We did a lot this year but also had a lot of time to relax! We left Saturday morning and spent the night in Hailey Idaho, just before you get to sun valley, it was so fun, We swam at the hotel, ate out, and just enjoyed being with my little family. Sunday morning we attended sacrament meeting in Hailey and than headed in to Stanley, Parley couldn't wait to get to the cabin, he had been talking about it for days! The rest of the family came up Sunday night. On monday, we had fun riding the 4 wheelers and rhino, feeding the squirrels, (there was one really fat squirrel that would crawl all the way up your body for some food, it was hilarious, and a little frightening, we went through a lot of peanuts), throwing rocks in the river, watching movies, playing games and of course eating yummy food. On Tuesday we took an all day 4 wheeler trip to the very top of the mountain, it was awesome, Ella even got to go on the rhino and loved it! On wednesday we went to the Redfish lake, i love it here, it is so pretty, it was a little busy but it was fun, all my kids got in the freezing cold water and loved it. we also did a little fishing and caught lots of fish, Parley was dying to eat one of them and kept getting mad at travis for throwing them back, so he kept one of them and cleaned it out and fried it up, Parley tasted it but didn't like it so much but everyone else enjoyed it. On thursday Travis and his bro Shane took the motor cycles up the mountain just above the cabin to go to a lake and fish, well the ride ended up being a little longer and rougher than they had anticipated and came home much later with bruises and bumps all over. Travis asked me if i was worried about him, but i just thought he was still fishing, they did catch a lot of fish up there and said it was really pretty. but they probably won't be doing that one again anytime soon. On friday it was a little bit colder and rainy so we just hung out around the cabin, played games, threw more rocks in the river,( in fact i wonder if there is any rocks left up there, parley and brig loved doing that.) watched movies and of course ate more yummy food, and did some more fishing, brigham even caught a couple, We also did a fire that night and had smores. On Saturday we went to stanley lake another favorite of mine, i think all of the lakes up there are my favorite, they are so pretty and hidden in the mountains. On sunday we attended the Stanley branch and looked at the beautiful view of the sawtooth mountains. Then we HAD to pack up and come home, we were gone for 8 days and i still wasn't ready to come home, it was such a great vacation and it is so nice to have a nice cabin to go and stay in, even if it has bats and mice, which reminds me, one of the nights there was a bat flying around in the boys room after they had gone to bed, Jessie, amy, grant and amy's friend hunted it for awhile and finally got it cornered and were able to get it out, but the boys slept through everything, i couldn't believe it. we had a lot of laughs over it the next morning. Brigham also got his little fingers caught in a mouse trap, poor thing, he was pretty tough though.

What a fun trip, can't wait for next year!!