Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Just an update...

Wow, Summer has been a little crazier than I thought it would be, I feel like I haven't updated the blog forever. This is just a quick update on some things our family has been doing. If your wondering why Travis isn't in any of the pictures that is because he has been so busy at work (which we are so grateful for) and has been putting in some long hours. We are hoping to get away for the 4th of July but until then I am afraid I won't be seeing much of him!

Ella has discovered her nose and yes, she loves to pick it!!
I painted Ella's fingers and toes on sunday and This is her showing me her "pretties"
We brought the boys home these spider man nacho libre masks from our cruise and they have been the best souvenirs ever, they love them and wear them all the time! This was Parley's outfit for a better part of the day on Sunday besides the 3 hours we went to church, We weren't quite sure if he was trying to be spider man or Mr. T, but we had a good laugh everytime he ran through the room, (brig was dressed pretty much the same way minus the goggles but he wouldn't stop long enough for me to take a picture).
I took the kids out to the Roy Aquatics center with some friends and they had a blast, It really was an awesome place to go, lots of shallow areas for the little kids.

Ella thinks she has to have whatever the big kids are having, she is enjoying someone else's capri sun here..

Summer has worn Brigham right out!!
Cute Brigham!
Cute Parley..
They love to play curious george on the computer, and I love them to do it because they get along so well!!

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