Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Countdown...

My Parents are down to 8 days left of their 3 year mission to the Phlippines. I can't even begin to tell you how excited we are at our house, about a month ago Parley was begging me to make a chain until Gma and Gpa come home, so one sunday afternoon about 40 days ago, we made one, he knew exactly how he wanted it and told me what to do and how to do it. We hung it in their room and the other day I looked at it and can't believe that it is so short and they will be home in one week from tomorrow! My kids have loved taking a chain off everyday, and it has helped them realize what is really going on, Brig for sure doesn't remember them when they were here, he was only 9 months old when they left and Parley was Ella's age, just over 2, so they have a lot of catching up to do and we can't wait to do it! Love you Mom and Dad, see you in a week!! AAAAHhhhhhhh.....

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