Friday, June 8, 2012

The MOVE...

 These are the only pics I have of the actual big day, but i found a few on my phone of some of the rooms as they were being finished.. We moved on March 23, I had so much help from our families and friends, we never could have done it without them!! I want to cry right now as i right this post because i miss our old neighborhood so bad, I love our new house, I could'nt be happier with it. Change is just really hard, but we are adjusting fine, I think parley is the one that has been most affected because of all the little friends he had and there just isn't as many around our new house. He never complains of it, I can just tell he misses them! Our new ward have all been very kind and i look forward to getting to know more of them. anyways the move went really smooth and we were able to get in after just one evening of moving!

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