Parley has been dreading this day for a long time and I just really wanted to get it over with so that he can look forward to kindergarten!! He was a total CHAMP, they weighed him and measured him first, then took him down the hall to do a vision test, which he passed with flying colors, then he had to pee in a cup, him and brig thought this was so funny. Than the Dr. checked everything even his bottom parts (which Parley was quite hesitant about but only just looked at me with a concerned look) , and said that Parley is doing awesome!! The Dr. drew some shapes on some paper and asked parley to draw them too, after Parley was done he told him how well he did and than looked at me and said you have a perfectionist on your hands, He definitely gets that from his dad!! Than the nurse came in and gave him 3 shots, he didn't cry or wine or fight me at all. he was awesome and I was so proud!! The doctor gave him 3 suckers because he had to get 3 shots and as we were leaving the nurse said to me, that was the most pleasant 5 year old visit I have ever had, she said she usually has to fight the 5 year olds especially with the shots, Way to go P-man!! and in Parley's words, "I totally Rocked It"!!
and Now we have someone who is very excited for KINDERGARTEN!!
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