We had a primary Easter hunt a week ago and I had to give a short message at it. I kept thinking what will I do that brings the spirit of Easter to these kids but also keeps their short attention spans. I was so grateful for this 3 minute message that I had to prepare because it really gave me the opportunity to think about my Savior and the blessing that Him and the Resurrection are in my life. and as I testified to the primary kids of our ward, I was so overcome with the spirit and so grateful for the blessing of the Resurrection in my life and that I have the opportunity to live with my Savior again!! What an awesome thing! and I tried so hard this year to testify to my own kids of this importance and I can just hope and pray that they get it, i know they are young and the Easter basket and egg thing seems a lot more interesting than anything else, but I just hope they can understand the importance of Easter. My own parents were so good at that, we always had so much fun doing all those fun things on Christmas and Easter but they always made sure we understood the balance of them and took that time to thank our Heavenly Father for our Savior. I can't remember a Christmas or Easter morning where we didn't have a family prayer before opening presents or finding easter baskets, and we have tried to do that in our home and just hope that our kids will always remember what is most important and at the same time be able to have fun and enjoy family traditions... wow, sorry I kind of got carried away there... here are a few more pics of our Easter Celebration!!

After the hunt we tried taking pictures of all the kids, tried is the key word here, Tobie and Brig were in their on little world......
so I zoomed in on them with my camera and saw this, they were playing dinosaurs, so cute...
Ella and Claire were just happy to have their suckers...
And the best part of our Easter, we got to meet our new little niece and cousin.....
Samantha B. Shupe.....isn't she the sweetest thing!
Happy Easter everyone!!
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